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It takes a Family to raise a camp!

Got a day?
We will fill it!
Camp Onomia depends largely on volunteers for everything from office help to cleaning to construction crews and everyone in between.
Some of the opportunities to volunteer are listed below:
Office help
Helping to put together mailings
Weekend Retreat Hosting
Buildings and Grounds Keeping
Minor Repairs & Maintenance
Lawn Mowing
Vehicle Maintenance
Cooking & Kitchen Help
Summer Camp Pastors
Camp Advocates to help promote camp in your congregation and community

Work Weekends or pick a time that works for you!
Work weekends are a great opportunity for first time volunteers to come to camp when there will be others to socialize with and welcome them into this wonderful place. Typically twice a year, fall and spring, we schedule work weekends for people near and far to come and contribute their time and skills to camp in a productive and fun-filled way. Watch for notices on our events page and Facebook!
Thursdays have become volunteer day all year round. Give us a call or drop us an email and join us when you can. It feels good to help us get some things done around here!

Volunteer to be the camp advocate in your church!
Telling the camp story is a year-round job. Although we often work closely with Pastors and church staff, what is even more helpful is to have a voice in the congregation that lifts up the value of the camp experience in everyday interactions as well as Sunday gatherings.
If you aren't on our monthly e-news list, drop us a line. Another way to stay informed to inform is to follow us on our Facebook page.
You can:
-see that camp events and programs are well publicized
-help get volunteers to attend events as youth sponsors and drivers
-stand up on a Sunday once in a while and blab about camp until they turn off the mic...
You get the drift!
Interest Form
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